Paideia College Society Spring 2014 Conference
Keynote Speaker: Alissa Wilkinson
Date: February 22, 2014
Alissa Wilkinson

Alissa Wilkinson, M.A., will be our keynote speaker. She teaches writing, postmodern theory, cultural anthropology, criticism, and literature at King's College in NYC. She is also chief film critic at Christianity Today, where she edits and writes film coverage. Her work on culture, religion, and politics has appeared in a variety of publications, including Books and Culture, Christianity Today, WORLD, Paste, Comment, The Gospel Coalition, The Globe & Mail, and the Center for Public Justice Capital Commentary.
Professor Wilkinson was a Wall Street business analyst, a technical writer, and a staff member at International Arts Movement (where she founded The Curator) before coming to King's. She also launched Fieldnotes magazine at the Max De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary, which she edited through March 2013, and was associate editor and then co-editor of Comment, published by the Ontario-based think tank Cardus.
She earned an M.A. in Humanities and Social Thought at New York University and a B.S. in Information Technology and Communication from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and is currently working on an M.F.A. in Creative Nonfiction in Seattle Pacific University's low-residency program. Her research interests are in theology of contemporary literature, particularly David Foster Wallace; theology of popular culture; art and culture criticism; and U.S. intellectual history, especially as it intersects with evangelicalism and art. Professor Wilkinson is faculty advisor to the House of ten Boom. She and her husband, Tom, live in Brooklyn.
If you would like to present a paper at this conference, please contact the University Honors Program.