DBU Students Run With A Mission

Fundraising can be a major concern for college students when it comes to going on a mission trip. But Dallas Baptist University's Baptist Student Ministry has found that with a little creative thinking a lot can be accomplished. Sixty-five members of the DBU family recently came together to raise over $7,000 for summer missions though a BSM-sponsored event called "Run with a Mission."
Origins of "Run with a Mission"
The vision for "Run with a Mission" came last year when Fort Worth's Cowtown Marathon was approaching and BSM director Chris Holloway was looking for some way to help fund summer missions for DBU students wanting to serve. An avid runner, Chris thought he might be able to combine the approaching marathon with missions and raise a little bit of money.
The project became known around campus as "Run with a Mission," and although the original goal was to find 10 students who would commit to running the half-marathon portion (13.1 miles), 38 students, faculty, and staff eventually signed up--much to everyone's surprise.
After the success of last year, DBU's BSM knew they needed to make this project an annual one, and so again, they began enlisting DBU students to participate in the run in the 2012 race.
Following the same format as the year before, each student who signed up was asked to find 10 sponsors who would agree to pay $1 for every mile they ran.
"Last year I heard about the stories of God's faithfulness in preparation of the run, the run itself, and the fundraising aspect," explained DBU student and 2012 participant, Jonathan Rhodes. "I wanted to be part of that team this year, and I pray that through these trips taken DBU students are able to share the love of God with everyone they come in contact with."
By the time race day arrived, the 65 DBU students, faculty, and staff who signed up had raised $7,000, exceeding everyone's expectations and bringing in nearly $1,500 more in support than last year.
Success and Impact of "Run with a Mission"
"I think this program really shows a holistic truth of how everyone should in some way be involved in sending the gospel," shared Holloway. "You have students who run; you have contributors who give; men and women who pray; and encouragers who come to cheer and support during the race. No matter what part a person plays, the end is the same--Christ's glory and His fame spread throughout the world."
Part of the money raised will be sent to the Go Now missions program of the Baptist General Convention of Texas that sends college students all over the world. The remainder of the money will be used to help DBU students going on University-sponsored mission trips.
While last year's "Run with a Mission" raised $5,540 and sent students to places such as Nicaragua, China, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Brazil, England, and Wyoming, this year's funds are expected to help students going to New York, South Padre Island, Honduras, Kenya, Israel, London, India, Uganda, Slovenia, and France.
As excited as the BSM was to have 65 participants, they were equally encouraged by the number of students who showed up to stand on the sidelines and cheer on the runners.
"The number of people who came out to support us was so awesome and encouraging," said DBU student Sarah Hood. "It really helped me understand the way that the body of Christ is intended to work. Everyone played a different but equally essential part of this whole experience, and I was just grateful to be able to watch it all play out."