Dr. Jim Denison Presents Gallup Lecture at DBU

Dr. Jim Denison, Founder and President of the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture was the guest speaker for the 2012 Gallup Distinguished Lecture Series at Dallas Baptist University on Wednesday, September 12, 2012. Denison spoke on the topic of medical ethics during the University's chapel service, a luncheon for faculty and staff, and an evening session held for students.
Addressing Medical Ethics in Modern Science
Denison addressed scientific advancements in genetics that have caused a large debate among scholars and Christians in the area of ethics. He discussed questions that arise before conception, for conception, after conception, and after birth, including topics such as in vitro fertilization and cloning.
Highlighting several areas of scientific discovery that could potentially change the view of human life, Denison discussed issues such as predetermining skill-sets and physical attributes of children in the embryonic stage. He also outlined questions that could arise if humans begin finding out their genetic predisposition to certain diseases, which could result in the potential rise of assisted suicide or losing the will to live.
Ultimately, in each lecture, Denison pointed the audience back to the glory of God and His position as King, referencing Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Denison shared that it is important for Christians to be proactive in pointing medical discoveries back to the glory of God.
Encouraging Christian Leaders in Medicine
During the luncheon, he encouraged the faculty to "challenge your students to excellence so as they develop they can use the knowledge they have gained to be culture-changing Christians." He also urged them to share with students that a call to medicine is just as important as a call to ministry. Strong Christian leaders are needed in the area of medicine to provide ethical guidance as new medical discoveries continue to be made.
The Gallup Distinguished Lecture Series was established at DBU in the spring of 2003 by George Gallup, Jr. Scholars, public officials, and governmental leaders are brought to campus to provide a forum for distinguished leaders to share their insights with the University community. Mr. Gallup, who passed away in 2011, was internationally recognized as a foremost expert on survey research and scientific polling. His career was dedicated to helping society better understand the contemporary context, and as a dedicated Christian, his lifetime of service has been particularly important to people of faith.
Kalie Lowrie was the former Director of News and Information at Dallas Baptist University.