Dr. Beverly Giltner Retires as Dean, Continues as Full-Time Faculty

Transitioning Roles after 18 Years of Leadership
Dr. Beverly Giltner, after 18 years serving as Dean of the DBU College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, has retired as dean but will continue to serve the University as a full-time professor of physics and computer science.
Dedicated Service and Leadership
Giltner, who began teaching physics and computer science at then Dallas Baptist College in 1969, was named dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in 1994. Over the course of her time at DBU, she has faithfully taught in the classroom while also serving in a variety of roles, including director of institutional research, president of the Faculty Council, faculty sponsor for the Texas Alpha Nu Chapter of Alpha Chi and the Society of Physics Students, and also director of the DBU Academic Computer Lab.
In recognition of her many years of faithful service, the University began an endowed scholarship in her honor in 1994, and in 2001, she was named a DBU Honorary Alumna.
Dr. Giltner and her husband, Will, live in Arlington and are long-time members of Fairview Baptist Church, where they continue to be active on various church committees and teach Sunday School.
Kalie Lowrie was the former Director of News and Information at Dallas Baptist University.