DBU Prepares 3500 Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child

DBU Community Unites for Operation Christmas Child
The Dallas Baptist University community joined together throughout the month of November to prepare 3,500 shoeboxes full of love and gifts for children around the world through Operation Christmas Child. DBU has partnered with the ministry for many years and serves as the relay center drop-off location for the surrounding community. Through this partnership, DBU and the additional relay centers in the area collected and shipped more than 40,000 boxes to children in war-torn and impoverished countries around the world.
"These boxes carry with them the Gospel message of Jesus," said Mark Hale, OCC coordinator for DBU and director of the Master of Education in Higher Education and assistant professor of Higher Education in the Gary Cook Graduate School of Leadership. "Operation Christmas Child has become a great way for our students, faculty, and staff to be involved in international missions without ever leaving home. This ministry is also an excellent illustration of the DBU mission to develop and train servant leaders who can impact the world for Christ."
Purpose and Impact of Operation Christmas Child
According to Samaritan's Purse, "The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ."
Many student organizations on campus worked together to fill boxes with toys, toiletries, and small gifts. The DBU Patriot Athletic Department also joined in the fun with over 200 student-athletes coming together for their annual wrapping party. Representatives from all 21 intercollegiate athletic teams each brought a shoebox filled with gifts and then assisted in wrapping over 300 boxes throughout the night.
"For the ninth year in a row, we have had a remarkable turnout from our student-athletes and coaches for our Operation Christmas Child wrapping party," said DBU Director of Athletics Ryan Erwin. "I know the work they did will make a difference in the lives of many young children around the globe. I am so thankful that we have student-athletes here at DBU who are willing to sacrifice their free time to help individuals in need."
Kalie Lowrie was the former Director of News and Information at Dallas Baptist University.