Senator Ted Cruz Participates in Community Round Table on DBU Campus

Dallas – As part of a recent visit to North Texas, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz joined local business and community leaders in a special event which took place on the DBU Campus.
The event brought together business and community leaders from throughout the Dallas County southern sector, for round table discussion.
During the round table discussion, Senator Cruz delivered brief remarks, and engaged in conversation with the panel of leaders, covering issues ranging from job creation to health care.
Several members of the DBU Student Government Association also had the opportunity to attend the event and hear the discussion, as well as meet Senator Cruz following the event.
The event represented the first time that Senator Cruz, who is from the Houston area, has visited the DBU campus. In the past, other U.S. Senators, such as Phil Graham, Kay Bailey Hutchison, and John Cornyn have spent time on the DBU campus, as well as other prominent statesmen including current Governor Greg Abbott, former Governor Rick Perry, former First Lady Laura Bush, and former President George W. Bush.
“Anytime we are able to host elected officials and engage in thoughtful dialogue we are happy to do so,” explained Dr. Adam Wright. “Civic engagement is important regardless of Party affiliation. This was a good opportunity for DBU to host a senior ranking elected official and demonstrate our commitment to God and country.”
Dr. Mark Cook is the Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Leadership at Dallas Baptist University.