Nick Pitts speaks at DBU as part of T.B. Maston Lecture Series

Dallas, TX – Dallas Baptist University’s Executive Director of the Institute for Global Engagement, Dr. Nick Pitts, spoke on campus as a part of the T.B. Maston Lecture Series.
Founded in 1985, the Maston Lecture Series provides opportunities for Baptist schools to host leading Christian thinkers as they address various ethical issues from a Christ-centered perspective.
Nick Pitts earned his Ph.D. at DBU while working at the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture before being brought on full-time in his current role at DBU. He currently cohosts each week the “Point of View Radio Talk Show”, contributes on Glenn Beck’s TV show, “Think Tank”, and writes a daily email called the “Daily Briefing” that is distributed to over 10,000 people each morning. Throughout his career, his op-eds have been published by Religion News Service,, Christian Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and The Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
During chapel, Dr. Pitts spoke on the persecuted church around the world and how Christians are called to stand alongside their brothers and sisters in Christ. He encouraged students to go outside their comfort zones to fight for and defend others.
“There are men and woman around the world hurting who need an ally,” stated Dr. Pitts. “In this moment, they need someone to not give up on them like how God did not give up on you. God wants to use you. Will you be used by Him?”
The T. B. Maston Lecture Series is named in memory of former Baptist professor and ethicist, T. B. Maston, who was known for his work in a variety of areas, including family life, character formation, church and state relations, and Christian vocation.
“T.B. Maston spoke to the issues of his day with courage and compassionate conviction. It was a blessing to try and honor Dr. Maston’s legacy by continuing to speak up for those who are losing their voice due to persecution,” stated Dr. Pitts.
Dr. Blake Killingsworth is the Vice President for Communications at Dallas Baptist University.