Commencement Box

DBU Honors Its 172 Summer Graduates with "Graduation-in-a-box" and Facebook Ceremony

This year's August commencement was unique in so many ways, but a pandemic could not stop DBU from making sure its graduates felt valued and honored for all their accomplishments.

Jim Hutchinson

Painting an Unbidden Narrative

Jim Hutchinson's career in art has included illustrating maps for Abeka books as a college student to refining his art in New York to now serving at DBU.

Bob Brooks

Dr. Bob Brooks: Glorifying Christ through the Musical Arts

The church's musical influence was what planted the seeds of an incredible and unexpected artistic career for Dr. Brooks.

Trisha Gracy

Shining Christ's Light through the World of Business

Gracy shares about an opportunity she had to put her dream into practice after landing an internship with the Human Resources team at a large corporation in DFW during the summer.

Dr. Wright Helps Students Move In

Welcoming New and Returning Students to the DBU Campus

Fall classes have begun on University Hill in what is sure to be an extraordinary semester in the school's history. The largest incoming class moved into their new residence halls, attended small group discipleship sessions, participated in service projects, and enjoyed some safe fun in preparation for the return of all the students for the first week of classes and Chapel services.

DBU Undergraduate Website

New DBU Undergraduate Website Guides Users from Online Exploration to Move-In Day

In response to the digital communication needs of today’s current college-seekers, DBU recently completed a design makeover of its Undergraduate Admissions webpages to provide for users a more navigable, holistic, and visually appealing connection with a personalized touch.

DBU Career Services

Center for Career and Professional Development Adapts its Services for DBU Patriots

Organizations have had to be adaptive and creative in these difficult times to continue providing their much needed services. It has been the distinct mission of DBU's Center for Career & Professional Development to help students find and fulfill God's calling for their life through, and the center continues to do so as they look towards the coming semester.

Prayer Statue

Model of Prayer: Sculptor Remembers Creating Mahler Prayer Statue

Next to the Mahler Student Center on the DBU campus, a bronze sculpture depicts a man kneeling at a chair, bent over an open Bible, his head cradled in his hand as he fervently petitions God. Be it a prayer for guidance, for peace, or for healing; whichever his petitions may be, the man in the sculpture inspires the viewer with a sacred moment captured by Texas-based artist Bridgette Mongeon.

Global Community Forum

DBU's Global Community Virtual Forum Supports 26 Partnering Schools Around the World

On July 15-17, 2020, DBU hosted its inaugural three-day Forum Broadcast with 26 Global Community school partners in lieu of the canceled on-campus conference. In 2019, DBU established the Global Community to serve as an international consortium that strengthens partnerships around the world with educational entities who are striving to produce the next generation of leaders.