4 Reasons Christian Students Should Study Abroad

group of Dallas college students taking a group photo in Rome, Italy

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9 NIV

Study abroad programs are nearly ubiquitous, with many universities offering opportunities for students to expand their learning outside the classroom in different cultures and locations. These types of programs are incredibly valuable. At DBU, our goal is not just to provide programs that allow students to see the world but to gain a deeper understanding of how God is moving across the world.

Not only does studying abroad enhance your learning as you make the world your classroom, but it can also distill your calling, shape your future career, provide new perspectives, and even help you grow and develop in your walk with God.

Here are four of its unique advantages.

Learn Outside the Classroom

The material you're studying in class truly comes alive when you're learning in the places where history was made. This type of exploration and hands-on experience helps enrich your understanding while building you into a global thinker and preparing you to serve in today's global economy.

Impact Your Future Career

Studying abroad may open new perspectives that influence how you think about your future. You might discover a personal passion that will guide your professional work or uncover a desire to work for a global company. Major nationwide studies have shown that employers and recruiters also like to see the ways you've stepped outside the four walls of the classroom to pursue your education, so studying abroad can also pay dividends on your resume and eventual job search.

Expand Your Worldview

When you study abroad, you get to be immersed in an environment or culture that's different from your own. This gives you the opportunity to broaden your worldview and discover the wonders of God's creation more expansively. You may also see how God is at work in the lives of others in another community — or all the way across the world. You're also outside your comfort zone, meaning you're being stretched and challenged — and experiencing positive growth as a result.

"God had called me to step out of my comfort zone," said Rachel Lengua, a DBU student who went on a summer Israel trip. "It impacted my faith and view of business through broadening my horizons! I recommend everyone to do some type of study abroad, especially with DBU. It's a life event worth accomplishing, and you won't regret it!"

Deepen Your Relationship with God

Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to travel with purpose and deepen your relationship with God as you experience your faith in the context of new cultures and traditions. You may even achieve a greater understanding of how God is calling you to serve in His kingdom as you explore your faith in this new context.

How to Study Abroad in College at DBU

Dallas Baptist University is among the Texas universities offering study abroad options. As such, it provides students with various options for engaging in travel-study trips that enrich growth, learning, and development.

DBU's unique advantage compared to some other Dallas universities with study abroad programs is the distinct Christian lens of the educational experience. Students take DBU classes with DBU professors while discovering another part of God's world.

DBU-Sponsored Short-Term Travel-Study Trips

DBU offers multiple professor-led travel study trip options for students throughout the year. These short-term trips, traditionally one or two weeks long, have gone to locations such as Rome, Athens, Oxford, Israel, South Korea, Germany, Boston, Washington, D.C., and more. Each trip provides students with the opportunity to gain class credit while engaging in hands-on experiences that enhance their learning and deepen their understanding of the world and their faith.

DBU also offers a variety of mission trips, which can take students to different parts of the world or allow them to serve in the local metroplex area. These trips have taken students to places such as the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, New York City, and other amazing locations for ministry. These opportunities give students the chance to experience different cultures while living out their faith.

DBU-Sponsored Study Abroad Programs

Additionally, DBU sponsors longer-term study abroad programs led by DBU professors. These one-month programs allow students to immerse themselves in another culture, become a part of the global community, and enrich their learning.

For several decades, DBU has also been a participating member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). Through the CCCU, DBU students have the opportunity to take part in more semester-long programs worldwide — from Oxford to Jordan and everywhere in between. 

Begin exploring your opportunities for one of the best study abroad programs in Texas at DBU here.

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