How-to Guide: Balance College Activities, Spiritual Growth

group of people sitting in a circle holding hands while praying in Dallas, TX

No matter which season of life you're in, there are times when it's challenging to sit down, quiet your mind, rid yourself of distractions, and spend time with God.

Balancing school, work, extracurricular activities, and spiritual growth requires intention and commitment. Whether you're bogged down with midterms or figuring out the rhythm of a new class schedule, it's important to learn how to prioritize your relationship with Christ.

Let's explore some practical tips for staying spiritually grounded as you navigate a busy schedule.

Set Aside Time Every Day

If you're struggling with your spiritual growth right now, start by committing a daily block of time to reading your Bible, journaling your spiritual progress, or spending time in prayer.

There are lots of other activities competing for your attention, so it may make sense to set aside a time first thing in the morning, right before bed, or during a period between classes when you know you'll be free each day. Don't just count on yourself to remember that time — set up a daily event and reminder in your phone's calendar.

Whether you take 15 minutes each morning to complete your daily devotional before you get out of bed or read your Bible app for 10 minutes during lunch each day, setting aside a dedicated, consistent time slot for spiritual development and connecting with God will help you form an important life habit. Remember the words in Psalm 119:103-105 (NIV), "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path. Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."

Commit to Prayer

Fostering a regular prayer life is one of the best spiritual practices a Christian can learn. Talking with God cultivates in us a habit of taking every situation and concern to God. No matter how small or big it might seem, God delights in hearing from His children and providing for their needs. Need a quick, simple way to get yourself in the habit of praying daily? Sign up for the DBU Patriot Prayer Partners to connect you with your DBU community and foster your prayer life as you receive a regular list of requests to pray over.

If you really want to challenge your spiritual growth, sign up to be a student volunteer at the ministry's Prayer Room and commit to praying with others.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." - Romans 12:12 ESV

Make a Playlist

Balancing your full slate of activities and your spiritual growth is easier when you lean on one of our most powerful tools as Christians: worship. You don't have to be in a sanctuary — or even singing out loud — to get caught up in worship, so try using your personal playlists to devote more everyday moments to praising God.

Curate a playlist of worship music that helps you connect with the Holy Spirit. If DBU Chapel Worship helps you connect with God in a particularly special way, connect with them on Spotify. Listen to your playlists while you're driving to an event or walking to your next class. If you find yourself with plenty of listening time and a preference for audio learning, try listening to sermons or Christian podcasts to gain insight and wisdom about the Christian walk.

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!" - Psalm 100:1-2 ESV

Find a Place to Be Alone

College is an excellent time to make lifelong friendships and build a lasting community, but it can be hard to find peaceful time alone between dorm life and a calendar full of social engagements. While community is essential to spiritual health and accountability, it can be easier to foster spiritual growth when you make time to be alone with God and seek his voice in an environment free from distractions.

When you seek quiet time alone, you're following Jesus' example. We know from Scripture that Jesus often sought time alone — away from the crowds and even his disciples — to pray and reconnect with his Father. Find a place that's special to you — a quiet campus spot, a nearby coffee shop you love, or a park or walking trail — and do as Jesus did, escaping there often to have quiet time alone with God.

"Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." - Luke 5:15-16 NIV

Making space for spiritual growth in our busy lives is about building habits, filling spare time with worship and learning, and seeking alone time with God. If you're seeking to further develop your relationship with God while you're in college, check out the DBU blog to learn more about prioritizing your faith.

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