Why Prioritizing Faith and Wellness Lead to College Success

close-up of college student reading in Dallas, Texas, with two girls out of focus in the background

If you're like some college students, you might think that good grades are the most crucial part of being successful in college. However, for most college students in today's world, the reality is that a healthy mind, body, and soul are crucial for thriving during your young adult years at school.

Why Complete Wellness Is Crucial for Success

survey by Student Voice from Inside Higher Ed shows that many college students make the connection between total wellness and college success: "Three in four students say stress is negatively impacting their ability to learn, focus and do well academically…. Half of students also say that their physical health and wellness is negatively impacting their ability to do well academically, either somewhat or a great deal."

College Realities and Wellness

No matter what kind of college or university you attend, there are clear reasons why total wellness is vital to success.

  • College students are notoriously busy. Staying healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually means you'll have the most energy possible to keep up with demands.
  • When opportunities arise, you'll want to be ready to engage. Proactively caring for your wellness will allow you to embrace challenges rather than shy away from a chance to grow.
  • You'll face unexpected high and low points during college. Having a strong spiritual, mental, and physical foundation will give you the perspective you need to make your next moves.

Achieve Wellness with Faith

Successfully navigating your courses, friendships, life changes, and community involvement is already a full-time job for college students, so how does personal wellness fit into that vision? One of the key elements is to lean into the connection between faith and wellness and let God be your guide.

Being a Servant Leader

The Lord calls us to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and we cannot be effective in this role if we are not living a healthy lifestyle.

"For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?" - 1 Timothy 3:5 ESV

As a student at DBU, you are cultivating both academic skills and faith-based training to serve the Lord in your communities. While maintaining good grades is essential for success at DBU, it is equally important to nurture your ability to share God's message faithfully with the world.

Finding Strength in the Lord

When we face challenging tasks or cannot find internal motivation, we can look to God's word for strength and inspiration. If you're feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities and can't find time for wellness activities, remember that 1 Corinthians 6:20 compels you to "glorify God in your body" (ESV).

We desire to be good stewards of God's gift to us during this lifetime, and through that knowledge, we can draw strength in times of doubt. If you find your total wellness lacking, ask yourself what areas need improvement to be the best version of God's image here on earth.

Glorify God Through Movement

Although total health and wellness includes emotional, mental, and spiritual components, there is one physical area that can positively impact all of these dimensions: movement. In his address to the Inspire 2021 Conference, David Mathis, executive editor of Desiring God, explains that movement is a way to celebrate God in all His glory. We reap physical benefits, yes, but we also connect with the power of God's creation and boost our mental and emotional wellness at the same time. God made man to move in a way He made no other creatures, and it is our fundamental calling to celebrate that movement.

Incorporating Wellness into Your Day

It's one thing to understand the value of total wellness for your college success, but it's another to find ways to make it happen. Along with the strength from your faith, here are several ways to make adding physical, mental, and spiritual wellness activities part of your day.

Create Healthy Routines

Just like you make a class schedule to plan your study time, it's essential to create a wellness routine for yourself. Include the following categories and goals:

  • Sleep times
  • Healthy eating habits, including meal and snack ideas
  • Physical activity, including when, where, and what
  • Social support for de-stressing and having fun!
  • Bible study and devotional times and routines

Once you've made your goals, look for areas that need more support and reach out to others as resources. For example, you might need to visit the doctor if you have health concerns that get in the way of your ideal activities.

Pair a Want with a Need

Some days, wellness activities might feel like a "want," but other days, they may be relegated to the "need" category. When that happens, pair a needed wellness task with something you're looking forward to. Here are a few ideas:

  • Complete your daily Bible study on a walk (audio version) or on the elliptical at the gym.
  • Listen to your favorite music when you go to bed at night, but only if you get there on time.
  • Treat yourself to lunch at your favorite spot after therapy appointments.

Seek Company

It's almost always easier to overcome challenges when you're not alone. Finding a community that shares your wellness goals during college can make it much easier to stick to your routines and prioritize your time. Finding student groups that like to be active on the weekends, explore the neighborhood after church, or meet regularly to share trials and tribulations will give you built-in support for your personal wellness needs.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV

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