Student Health Insurance

For the Fall 2024 Semester:
Insurance waiver opens June 1, 2024 - September 15, 2024
Coverage is available August 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Dallas Baptist University is committed to the safety and well-being of its students. In case of an emergency, every student should be covered by the DBU Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) or their own health insurance plan.

**Important: If health insurance coverage is desired students must self-enroll into the coverage.**

Orientation Video

Domestic / On-Campus Students

All registered on-campus domestic students, and students who participate in intercollegiate sports (including student managers) may request to waive / opt-out of the SHIP if their alternate insurance health plan meets the following requirements:

  1. Medical Coverage is active and is compatible with the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  2. Short-term coverage plans must cover the same coverage dates as SHIP.
    • Student Athletes are not allowed to have short term coverage plans or health care sharing plans

NOTE: The following plan(s) will NOT be accepted for waiver approval:

  • Financial Assistance Plans will not be accepted.

If your alternate coverage meets the above minimum requirements, follow the instructions to opt-out of coverage. The cashier's office will not accept email requests to process a waiver. After your waiver is reviewed, you will receive an email confirmation detailing your waiver status.

**Do not forget to attach a copy front / back of your health insurance card ID. If the period of coverage dates are not visible, a letter of coverage should be attached with the respective dates.**

International Students

All registered international students are required to enroll in DBU health insurance. Insurance waivers will only be accepted under the following circumstances:

  • Student is sponsored by the United States government.

  • Student is sponsored by a foreign government recognized by the United States or certain international, government-sponsored or non-governmental organizations

  • Student is enrolled in a US employer-provided group health plan that is compliant with PPACA


  • Health Insurance Plan is compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

  • Health Insurance Plan should include medical evacuation and repatriation

    • **If your plan possesses medical evacuation and repatriation, it should be compliant to the following section, "Additional Information." If your current health insurance plan does not have this requirement. It can be purchased separately.**

Additional Information

NOTE: The following plan(s) will NOT be accepted for waiver approval:

  • Financial Assistance Plans will not be accepted.

  • Healthcare Sharing Plans are not accepted.

  • Travel plans or plans that require you to pay for treatment yourself and then apply for reimbursement are not allowed.

If your alternate coverage meets the above minimum requirements, follow the online waiver instructions to opt-out of coverage. The cashier's office will not accept email requests to process a waiver. After your waiver is reviewed, you will receive an email confirmation detailing your waiver status.

**Do not forget to attach a copy front / back of your health insurance card ID. If dates are not visible, a letter of coverage should be attached with the respective dates.**

Domestic Commuter or Online Student Insurance
Student Health Insurance Plan - General Information

For additional information about the Student Health Insurance Plan, please contact Academic Health Plans at (888) 308-7320 or the Cashier’s Office at (214) 333-5336.