Globe Statue with Sunset in Background

Center for Global Religious Freedom

Standing with the Persecuted.

A pandemic of persecution is sweeping the globe, impacting every faith community somewhere. Some sources report that roughly two-thirds of humanity live in countries of concern as it relates to persecution.

Advocating for Religious Freedom.

With focuses on student training, church engagement, and research strategies, the Center for Global Religious Freedom seeks to meet the challenge of persecution by inspiring and mobilizing the next generation to action.


Raising up the next generation of advocates through student learning

The Church

Inspiring a broader vision through gatherings and church engagement


Generating ideas, developing strategies, and turning them into action


Reports indicate that roughly % of humanity live in countries of concern for religious persecution

Christians Facing Persecution
Countries with Government Harassment for Religious Beliefs
Countries where religious-related displacements or deportations occurred
Christians Killed for Faith-Related Reasons in 2024