Meet Dr. Jim Lemons
Professor of Theological Studies and Leadership
(214) 333-5366
Educational Background
- B.A., Rice University
- M.Div., Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr. Jim Lemons's Background
- 25 years in pastoral ministry
- 16 years in teaching ministry at DBU
- Teaches a Senior Adult Sunday School class at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas
- Has been married for 41 years to his wife, Kathy (an accomplished singer and actress)
- His son works in IT at DBU
- His daughter (a DBU graduate) has been a Radio City Rockette in New York City for 10 years
- Has 6 grandchildren, all under the age of 15!
- Plays the guitar and loves the theater arts, and has even acted in several stage productions!
Articles Published in the Texas Baptist Baptist Standard Publication
- "What Are You Clinging to In Life?"
- "The Day Santa Claus Slapped a Christian Heretic!"
- "Christian Theology... in a Hand Gesture?"
- "Consistency is the Key in the Race of the Christian Life"
Other Publications and Speaking Engagements
- Speaker: DBU Friday Symposium, “Worship in Response to Why: Responding to the Problem of Evil and Suffering in the 21st Century,” 2015
- Breakout Session Speaker, The Calling Conference, Dallas Baptist University, 2014-2017
- Keynote Breakout Session Speaker, National Worship Leaders Conference, Leawood, Kansas, Session Topic: “Making Your Worship Transformational”
- Book Chapter: “Running the Ministry Marathon: Caring for the Spiritual Life of You and Your Family” in Christian Education Leadership: Making Disciples in the 21st Century, Bernard M. Spooner, General Editor, Christian Leadership Publishing, 2012
- Keynote Speaker, Church Music and Worship Week, Singapore Bible College, Conference Topic: 21st Century Transformational Worship
- Breakout Session Speaker, BGCT Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas, Session Topic: “Making Worship Transformational”