Page 12 | DBU Report Winter 2023-24

WINTER 2023-2024 12 Patriots Around the World ROME rome/athens ATHENS continued CORINTH Over Winter Break, a group of undergraduate, master’s, and Ph.D. students traveled to Athens, Greece and Rome, Italy to study leadership, religion, and business in some of the world’s most beautiful destinations. After landing in Athens, students visited the Acropolis, the Areopagus (known today as Mars Hill), and the Agora. These eager learners then traveled to Ancient Corinth, where they were given the opportunity to see Paul’s epistles come to life. After ringing in the New Year watching fireworks above the beautiful Greek skyline, the group continued their journey to Rome, Italy. From the Mamertine Prison to the Vatican and Sistine Chapel to the iconic Colosseum and Roman Forum, students truly made the world their classroom. Outside of time spent learning on site, dinners with DBU faculty allowed students time to process and reflect deeply about all the lectures, tours, and assignments given throughout their time together.