Page 32 | DBU Report Winter 2023-24

WINTER 2023-2024 32 3000 Mountain Creek Parkway Dallas, Texas 75211-9299 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Dallas, Texas Permit No. 4715 To stay updated on the latest IGE events, visit On December 5, DBU was honored to welcome General David Petraeus to the campus to share from his career as a military leader and to comment on his recent book co-authored with historian Andrew Roberts, Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine (Harper, 2023). The special event opened with a warm welcome from Dr. Adam C. Wright, DBU President, who recognized current and retired military, followed by Liz Brailsford, President and CEO of the co-sponsoring World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth. Brailsford introduced General Petraeus and the moderator for the evening, Meredith M. Walker, a renowned author and commentator on politics, economy, and technology. The discussion of the evening centered on the subject of strategic leadership as General Petraeus walked guests through his first-hand viewpoint of commanding the U.S. campaign in Iraq, Afghanistan, as well as adding perspective to the more recent war in Ukraine and the conflict in Israel. General Petraeus led a distinguished 37-year military career with six consecutive commands as a general officer, five of which were in combat—including the Surge in Iraq, U.S. Central Command, and U.S./Coalition Forces in Afghanistan—and then served as Director of the CIA. Today, he is Chairman of the KKR Global Institute, which he established in June 2013. DBU HOSTS GENERAL DAVID PETRAEUS Dr. Adam C. Wright, DBU President, General David Petraeus, and Liz Brailsford, President and CEO of World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth