Page 19 | DBU Report Winter 2025

WINTER 2025 17 A Treasured Symbol of Faith Pilgrim Chapel Celebrates 15-Year Anniversary With the early morning sun reflecting on the golden cross atop the spire of Pilgrim Chapel, an adjunct professor saw a young man in distress parked alone on the DBU campus. He knocked on the driver’s window and asked if everything was okay. The young man was not a student at DBU but poured out his heart about his desperate desire to escape a dangerous gang lifestyle. After listening and praying with him, the professor asked how he had ended up on campus that morning. He looked up at Pilgrim Chapel and simply answered, “I saw the steeple, and I was drawn here.” Since its opening in the fall of 2009, the beacon of hope that is Pilgrim Chapel has steadily drawn many people close to God’s heart. In honor of the chapel’s 15-year anniversary, we give God thanks for the great things He has done with anticipation for all He is yet to do. The construction of Pilgrim Chapel, the most iconic building on the DBU campus, was the culmination of answered prayers over a period of decades. Chancellor Gary Cook, who served as DBU president during the fundraising and construction of the chapel, spearheaded the dream of building a chapel that would become the heart of the campus—a place to