Page 2 | DBU Report Winter 2025

DBU REPORT 2 VISION STATEMENT Building a great Christian university that is pleasing to God by producing Christcentered servant leaders who are transforming the world. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Dallas Baptist University is to provide Christ-centered quality higher education in the arts, sciences, and professional studies at both the undergraduate and graduate levels to traditional age and adult students in order to produce servant leaders who have the ability to integrate faith and learning through their respective callings. A Commentary on the Mission Statement of Dallas Baptist University by Dr. David Naugle DBU IS COMMITTED AS A COMMUNITY OF FAITH AND LEARNING… “The result of this program of education is the formation of whole persons who have developed a Christian mind, and who have the character, knowledge, and competencies to pursue their personal and professional callings as servant leaders who transform the creation and culture in patterning themselves after the service and leadership supremely exemplified in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Soli Deo Gloria.”