Volume 1 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal for K-12 Educational Leadership - Page 40

38 Master’s Degree Programs speaking students (Brooks and Thurston, 2010). As the pop- ulation of ELL students continues to grow, educators can use the findings of the current study to meet the linguistic needs of ELL students to increase mathematics performance. The TELPAS assessment data can be used to plan and implement instruction to close the gaps between those two groups. References Abedi, J. & Lord, C. (2001). The language factor in mathe - matics tests. Applied Measurement in Education , 14 (3), 219-234). Abrahamson, M. A. (2007). Improved math achievement in an urban high school: A case study of a high school in the vista unified school district. (Order No. 3278373, Univer- sity of Southern California). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, , 256. Retrieved from http://search.proquest . com/docview/304823034?accountid=7024 Allen, T. D. (2012). Predictors of student performance in grades 7 and 8 mathematics: The correlation between benchmark tests and performance on the Texas assessment of knowledge and skills (TAKS) math tests. (Order No. 3550712, Texas A&M University - Commerce). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 119. Retrieved from h t t p : / / s e a r c h . p r oque s t . c om/ docview/1316878308?accountid=7024. (1316878308) Alt, M., Arizmendi, G. D., & Beal, C. R. (2014). The relation - ship between mathematics and language: Academic implications for children with specific language impair - ment and English Language Learners. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 45, 220-233. Badgett, K., Harrell, S., Carman, C. A., & Lyles, L. (2012). Ex - amining the relationship between TELPAS reading and TAKS reading for students with limited English profi - ciency. Education and Urban Society , 44 (6), 688-706. Bailey, A. L. & Kelly, K. R. (2012). Home language survey practices in the initial identification of English language learners in the United States. Educational Policy , 27 (5), 770 -804. Black, W. (2006). Constructing accountability performance for English language learner students: An unfinished journey toward language minority rights. Educational Policy , 20, 197-224. Bounds, S. A. (2003). The academic performance of exit- ed bilingual students. (Order No. 1419843, Universi - ty of Houston-Clear Lake). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses . Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/ docview/305246944?accountid=7024. (305246944) Brooks, K. & Thurston, L. P. (2010). English language learner academic engagement and instructional grouping con- figurations. American Secondary Education , 39 (1) 45-60. ELL Students Increase Diversity of U.S. Student Population. (2012). Electronic Education Report , 19 (14), 5-7. Freeman, B., and Crawford, L. (2009). Creating a middle school mathematics curriculum for English-language learners. Remedial and Special Education , 29 (1), 9-19. Kihuen, M. (2009). Leaving no child behind: A civil right. Journal of Gender, Social, Policy & the Law , 17 (1), 113-134. Lopez, V. (2007). English language learners and standardized testing in an urban senior high school. (Order No. 3268653, Florida International University). ProQuest Disserta- tions and Theses, 103. Retrieved from http://search. proquest.com/docview/304714077?accountid=7024. (304714077) Moores, D. F. (2004). No Child Left Behind: The good, the bad, and the ugly. American Annuals of the Deaf , 148 (5), 347-348. Mongiello, J. (2011). The future of the Equal Educational Op- portunities Act § 1703(f) after Horne v. Elores: using No Child Left Behind proficiency levels to define appropri - ate action towards meaningful educational opportunity. Harvard Latino Review , 14, 211-241. Rojas, R. & Iglesias, A. (2013). The language growth of Span - ish-speaking English language learners. Child Develop- ment , 84 (2), 630-646. Shaftel, J., Belton-Kocher, E., Glasnapp, D., & Poggio, J. (2006). The impact of language characteristics in mathe- matics test items on the performance of English language learners and students with disabilities. Educational As- sessment , 11, 105–126. doi:10.1207/s15326977ea1102_2 Sox, A. K. (2011). Teacher preparation for instructing middle school ELL students: A North Carolina piedmont perspec- tive. (Order No. 3481176, The University of Arizona). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses , 249. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/910007857?ac - countid=7024.(910007857) Nathan S. Frymark, Ed.D.