Volume 1 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal for K-12 Educational Leadership - Page 59

Journal for K-12 Educational Leadership 57 NVivo is a program commonly used in qualitative re- search to analyze themes within text-based responses such as the 79 emerging music administrator competencies. It “provides for visually mapping categories identified” (Creswell, 2012, p. 243) through the free response section of this survey study. Figure 1 is a dendrogram of co-occurring words created with NVivo. This text search query is rela - tional in that it shows frequency and relation to other words. Discussion and Implications Based on multiple NVivo methods, combined with the re - searcher’s synthesis of the full text of additional competen- cies, the following emerging music administrator competen - cies were proposed: • Balance: An awareness of and advocacy for multiple arts disciplines • Equity: The ability to be fair to multiple arts disci- plines • Financial: The skills of finance/budget • Grounded: The trait of maintaining touch • Involvement: Actively engaged with students, pro - grams, and the community Balance and equity are clearly important to Texas music administrators. This is likely the case as, through the de- mographic data collected, the average Texas music admin- istrator in 2014-2015 was white, male, 51 years of age, and a former band director. Texas music administrators realize that it is important to be cognizant of other music divisions including elementary music, choir, and orchestra as well as the other fine arts disciplines of dance, theatre, and visual art. It is also possible that respondents are insistent about balance and equity because they observe this not to be the case with other music administrators or fine arts directors. Financial skills also emerged as a theme. In fact 13 of the 79 responses, or 16%, referenced an additional competency related to finance. This is likely in response to the propor -