Volume 2 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research - Page 66

64 • providing more knowledge on classroom and school procedures, operations, and structure, and • adding knowledge and preparation for pedagogy and lesson planning Research Question 3 Research Question 3 addressed participants’ perspective about what the focus of educator preparation programs should be to prepare, train, and equip teachers for the 21st century. Although participants offered various perspectives, three key focuses for EPPs emerged: knowledge and training in instructional technol - ogy; knowledge and training in differentiation of instruction; and knowledge and training in special population student groups, such as diverse, disadvantaged, and students with social-emotion- al needs. According to participants, the aforementioned focuses will help best prepare new teachers for the 21 st century class- room. Identified Themes Three major themes emerged from the analysis process of the current study’s data. The major themes and emerging subthemes included: time; experience, including theory & pedagogy, practi - cal field experience & theory/pedagogy, practical field experience only, and experience in challenging environments; and knowl - edge, including procedures, operations, & structure, relationships, classroom management, diversity, social-emotional needs, child development, and 21st century. These are displayed in Figure 1. Summary of Findings Findings of the study established that there is a need for teacher candidates to spend more time in practical, applicable classroom environments as well as extending the length of time spent in preparation programs. Based on participant recommendations, EPPs should provide teacher candidates more real and chal - lenging experiences within classroom settings as well as offer both practical, applicable experiences and theory and pedagogy knowledge to program attendees. A third finding from the study was the need for EPPs to provide knowledge that aligns to the needs of 21st century students and schools. Findings of the study also indicated that instructors in educational programs are unaware of what today’s schools are like. Some participants reported that program instructors are far Figure 1. Flow chart of major themes and emerging subthemes. Joey Grizzle, Ed.D.