Volume 3 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal for K-12 Educational Research - Page 24

22 About the Author Dr. Alisha M. Brown serves as Instructional Coach in the Arlington Independent School District, as well as Adjunct Professor at University of North Texas-Dallas. She holds a Bachelor of Science from Howard University, a Master’s of Education from University of Houston, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership K-12 from Dallas Baptist University. She can be reached at alishambrown18@gmail.com . 214-333-5728 • www.dbu.edu/doctoral/edd • 3000 Mountain Creek Parkway Dallas, TX 75211 Biographical Template for the Journal of Educational Research Please use the following template when submitting your biographical information for the Journal of Educational Research. Dr. Ali ha M. Brown s rv s as In tructional Coach in the A rlington Independent School District, as well as Adjunct Professor at University of North Texas-Dallas. She holds a Bachelor’s degree of Science Degree from Howard University , a Master of Education Degree from University of Houston, and a Doctor of Education Degree in Educational Leadership K-12 from Dallas Baptist University. She can be reached at alishambrown18@gmail.com . Professional Headshot (Optional) Alisha M. Brown, Ed.D.