Volume 3 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal for K-12 Educational Research - Page 31

Journal of K-12 Educational Research 29 References Baker, K. A. & de Kanter, A. A. (1981). Effectiveness of bilingual education: A review of the literature . Department of Education Office of Planning Budget and Evaluation. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED215010.pdf Cloud, N., Genesee, F., & Hamayan, E. (2009). Literacy instruction for English language learners: A teacher’s guide to research-based practices. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Collier, V. P. (1992). A synthesis of studies examining long-term language-minority. Bilingual Research Journal. 16 (1&2), 187-212. Cummins, J. (2000). Language, power, and pedagogy: Bilingual children in the crossfire. Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters Ltd. Genesee, F., Lindholm-Leary, K., Saunders, W., & Christian, D. (2006). Educating English language learners . New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Haynes, J. (2007). Getting started with English language learners: How educators can meet the challenge. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Lopez, F., & McEneaney, E. (2012). State implementation of language acquisition policies and reading achievement among Hispanic students. Educational Policy, 26 (3), 418- 464. doi: 10.1177/0895904811417581 Ramirez, D. J., Yuen, S. D., Ramey, D. R., & Pasta, D. J. (1991). Longitudinal study of structured English immersion strategy, early-exit, and late-exit transitional bilingual education programs for language-minority children. Washington, DC: Department of Education. Retrieved from http://eric. ed.gov/?id=ED330216 Samway, K. D. & McKeon, D. (2007). Myths and realities: Best practices for English language learners (2nd ed.). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 89, Subchapter BB. Commissioner’s Rules Concerning State Plan for Educating English Language Learners, §89.1201 Texas Education Agency. (2016). Texas academic performance report: 2015-16. Retrieved from: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas. gov/perfreport/tapr/2016/state.pdf Thomas, W. P., & Collier, V. P. (2009). Educating English learners for a transformed world. Albuquerque, NM: Fuente Press. Thomas, W. P., & Collier, V. P. (2012). Dual language education for a transformed world. Albuquerque, NM: Fuente Press. Willig, A. C. (1985). A meta-analysis of selected studies on the effectiveness of bilingual education. Review of Educational Research, 55 (3), 269-317. doi:10.3102/00346543055003269 About the Author Dr. Lori Rapp serves as the Deputy Superintendent in the Lewisville ISD. Previous positions held include Assistant Superintendent Learning and Teaching, Executive Director Learning Design and Support, and Curriculum Director.She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Texas Tech University, a Master’s of Science in Mathematics Teaching from Texas Womans University and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership K-12 from Dallas Baptist University. She can be reached at rappld@hotmail.com Biographical Information for the Journal of Dr. Le’Ann Downs serves as the president and founder of Downs & Do districts, educational organizations, and corporations with leadership de systems. Other previous positions held include Principal of Cleburne High S at Mansfield Timberview High School in Mansfield ISD, and c urriculum d Bachelor of Science Degree from University of North Texas, a Master o University, and a Doctor of Education Degree in Educational Leadership K- be reached at leann@downsanddowns.com or you can visit her website at d