Volume 3 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal for K-12 Educational Research - Page 35

Journal of K-12 Educational Research 33 Table 1. Summary of Research Questions 1-3 for the Current Study numbers for TELPAS Reading rating stood for the following: 1-beginner, 2-intermediate, 3-advanced, 4-advanced high. In analyzing a chi-square test table, the Pearson Chi-Square Value represents the chi-square statistic calculated based on the differences in observed and expected counts, ᵪ 2 = 33.419. The table also presents the asymptotic significance for the test, with p = .000 for the analysis. Since p < .05, the null hypothesis for RQ4 was rejected, and it was determined there was a relationship between participation in the summer reading program and TELPAS Reading rating. When conducting a chi-square analysis, it is also important to consider the effect size for significant results. The common statistic for effect size for chi-square analyses is the Cramer’s V (Yockey, 2011). When evaluating effect sizes, Cramer’s V values between .00 and .10 indicate small effect size, values between .10 and .30 indicate medium effect size, and values between .30 and .50 indicate large effect size (Yockey, 2011). For RQ4, Cramer’s V = .248, indicating a medium effect size for the analysis. In summary, RQ4 examined the relationship between participation in a summer program and TELPAS Reading rating. A chi-square test of independence was conducted on the sample, and it was determined there was a significant relationship between participation in the summer program and TELPAS Reading rating, ᵪ 2 (3, N = 543) = 33.419, p < .05, Cramer’s V = .248. The effect size for the analysis was determined to be accelerated reading program was not a significant indicator of student scores on the 2017 STAAR EOC English II exam. Table 1 provides a summary of results for RQ1, RQ2, and RQ3. Table 1 Summary of Research Questions 1-3 for t rent Study Research Question 1 (RQ1) Do English Learner students who participate in a summer accelerated program between Grades 8 and 9 show higher scores on the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System Reading assessment than students who do not participate in the program? H1 0 : Students who participate in an accelerated summer program did not have higher TELPAS Reading scale scores than students who did not. Method: Stepwise multiple regression Result: p = .274 Since p > .05, the null hypothesis is not rejected. Statistical statement: β = .051, t (292) = 1.095, p > .05. Conclusion: Participation in the summer program is not a predictor of TELPAS scores for students who participated in the summer program compared to those who did not participate. Research Question 2 (RQ2) Do English Learner students who participate in a summer accelerated program between Grades 9 to 10 show higher scores on the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System Reading assessment than students who do not participate in the program? H2 0 : Students who participate in an accelerated summer program do not have higher TELPAS Reading scale scores than students who do not participate. H2 0 : ∆ R 2 = 0. Method: Stepwise multiple regression Result: p = .172 Since p > .05, the null hypothesis is not rejected. Statistical statement: β = -.054, t (345) = -1.37, p > .05. Conclusion: Participation in the summer program is not a predictor of TELPAS scores for students who participated in the summer program compared to those who did not participate. Research Question 3 (RQ3) Do English Learner students who participate in a summer accelerated program between Grades 9 and 10 have higher State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness End- of-Course English II scores than students who did not participate in the summer program? H3 0 : Students who participate in an accelerated summer program do not have higher STAAR EOC English II scores than students who did not participate in the program. H3 0 : ∆ R L = 0. Method: Stepwise multiple regression. Result: p = .952 Since p > .05, the null hypothesis is not rejected. Statistical Statement: β = .003, t (241) = .060, p > .05. Conclusion: Participation in the summer program is not a predictor of STAAR EOC English II scores for students who participated in the summer program compared to those who did not participate.