Volume 3 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal for K-12 Educational Research - Page 36

34 medium. In conclusion, there was a significant relationship between participation in the summer program and TELPAS Reading rating. In analysis of RQ5, the researcher examined the relationship between number of years in U.S. schools for English Learners and participation in the accelerated summer reading program. As with RQ4, a chi-square statistical analysis was performed to determine if a significant difference occurred between the observed distribution of TELPAS Reading rating and program participation and the expected distribution should the null hypothesis be true. Should the null hypothesis be true, it would be determined no relationship existed between program participation and number of years in U.S. schools. After determining the crosstabulation results for the chi-square analysis, the researcher next examined the significance of results. A chi-square test table was created. In this table, the Pearson Chi-Square Value represents the chi-square statistic calculated based on the differences in observed and expected counts, ᵪ 2 = 130.548. The table also presents the asymptotic significance for the test, with p = .000 for the analysis. Since p < .05, the null hypothesis for RQ5 was rejected, and it was determined there was a relationship between participation in the summer reading program and number of years in U.S. schools. As with RQ4, the effect size for the analysis was examined using Cramer’s V . As mentioned earlier, when evaluating effect sizes, Cramer’s V values between .00 and .10 indicate small effect size, values between .10 and .30 indicate medium effect size, and values between .30 and .50 indicate large effect size (Yockey, 2011). For RQ5, Cramer’s V = .49, indicating a large effect size for the analysis. In summary, RQ5 examined the relationship between participation in a summer program and number of years in U.S. schools. A chi-square test of independence was conducted on the sample, and it was determined there was a significant relationship between participation in the summer program and number of years in U.S. schools, ᵪ 2 (5, N = 543) = 130.548, p < .05, Cramer’s V = .49. The effect size for the analysis was determined to be large. In conclusion, there was a significant relationship between participation in the summer program and TELPAS Reading rating. Table 2 provides a summary of results for RQ4 and RQ5. Implications In terms of meaning and impact on leaders and teachers, program elements in the current study are consistent with those found in studies in the literature. Emphasis on project-based skill development; a combination of reading, math, and other skills is since there was a significant relationship between participation in the summer program and TELPAS Reading rating. Table 2 provides a summary of results for RQ4 and RQ5. Table 2 Summary of Research Questions Four and Five for the Current Study Research Question 4 (RQ4) Is there a relationship between the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System Reading rating of English Learners and the participation of English Learners in a summer accelerated program? H4 0 : There is not a relationship between the TELPAS Reading rating of English Learners and participation in the summer program. Method: Chi-square test of independence. Result: p = .000 Since p < .05, the null hypothesis is rejected. Statistical Statement: χ 2 (3, N = 543) = 33.419, p < .05, Cramer’s V = .248. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship in TELPAS Reading rating and participation in the summer program. Research Question 5 (RQ5) Is there a relationship between the number of years English Learners have been in U.S. schools and participation in an accelerated summer program? H5 0 : There is not a relationship between the number of years English Learners have been in U.S. schools and participation in the summer program. Method: Chi-square test of independence. Result: p = .000 Since p < .05, the null hypothesis is rejected. Statistical Statement: χ 2 (5, N = 543) = 130.548, p < .05, Cramer’s V = .49 Conclusion: There is a significant relationship in the number of years English Learners are in U.S. schools and participation in the summer program. Implications In terms of meaning and impact on leaders and teachers, program elements in the current study are consistent with those found in studies in the literature. Emphasis on project-based s ill Table 2. Summary of Research Questions Four an for the Current Study Tim E. Baxter, Ed.D.