Volume 3 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal for K-12 Educational Research - Page 38

36 practices and positively impact results for English Learners. This is the challenge and call for educators today to show signs of improvement moving forward for these students. References Fry, R., & Gonzales, F. (2008, August 26). One-in-five and growing fast: A profile of Hispanic public school students . Pew Hispanic Center. Retrieved from https://files.eric . ed.gov/fulltext/ED502556.pdf Goldenberg, C. (2008). Teaching English learners: What the research does—and does not—say. American Educator, 32 (2), 8-44. Retrieved from http://www.aft.org/sites/default/ files/periodicals/goldenberg.pdf. Maxwell, L. (2014). U.S. schools become ‘majority minority.’ Education Week, 34 (1), 1-15. Thomas, W. P., & Collier, V. P. (1999). Accelerated schooling for English language learners. Educational Leadership, 56 (7), 46-49. Yockey, R. D. (2011). SPSS demystified: A step-by-step guide to successful data analysis (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall. About the Author Dr. Tim E. Baxter serves as Principal of The Colony High School in the Lewisville Independent School District, and has completed his fourth year in this position. He was Principal of Huffines Middle School in LISD for four years previous. Other positions held include Assistant Principal of The Colony High School, Principal of Little Elm High School, Teacher/Coach at The Colony High School, Teacher/Coach at Grapevine High School, and Teacher/Coach at Graham High School. Dr. Baxter holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from the University of North Texas, and Master’s of Education from the University of North Texas, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership K-12 from Dallas Baptist University. He can be reached at baxtert@lisd.net . Dr. Tim E. Baxt r s ves as Principal of T e Colony High Scho School District, and has compl ted his fourth year in this positi Middle School in LISD for f ur years previous. Other position of The Colony High School, Principal of Little Elm High Schoo High School, Teacher/Coach at Grapevine High School, and Te School. Dr. Baxter holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mathem North Texas, and Master o f Education Degree from the Univers of Education Degree in Educational Leadership K-12 from Dall reached at baxtert@lisd.net. Tim E. Baxter, Ed.D.