Volume 3 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal for K-12 Educational Research - Page 5

Journal of K-12 Educational Research 3 Neil Dugger, Ed.D. GREETINGS FROM THE DIRECTOR Journal of K-12 Educational Research 2019, VOL. 3, ISSUE 1 www.dbu.edu/doctoral/edd Greetings from Dallas Baptist University! This is the third volume of the research journal produced by the Ed.D. in Educational Lead- ership K-12 program, and all the articles were written by our doctoral graduates. We hope you will find the articles timely, interesting, and resourceful. In order to make solid decisions in our schools, we must have access to good research and data. The Journal is one source for you to turn to and find the real facts. These articles cover the spectrum of academic issues and are just a small sampling of the 20+ graduates we have each year. Contact information is provided, so if you would like to review entire studies, the authors will be happy to provide them for you. DBU graduates are trained to be “servant leaders who are transforming the world,” and they are having a significant impact in districts across the DFW area and beyond. We need school leaders who are pure in their motives and always striving to meet the needs of every student. If our graduates are representative of this higher standard, the future of education in Texas is great! If you know of a young educator who fits this model and has a great future leading our schools, please send him/her our way to see if the DBU doctoral program is the right fit. It is a practitioner’s degree, and classes meet three weekends per semester. Most students finish in less than four years, and their dissertation (treatise) topic is designed to have an impact on their school system. For more information about the degree, please contact me at neil@dbu.edu . Thank you for the critical role you play in the education of the children in our state and nation—there is no greater calling. Sincerely, Neil Dugger, Ed.D. Director, Ed.D. in Educational Leadership K-12