Page 17 - Volume 4 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research
Journal of K-12 Educational Research 15 and realized that when students understand the why, it brings relevance and purpose to their learning. When asked about specific topics that stood out throughout the program, at least one participant in every focus group mentioned the importance of empathy or kindness towards others. Of all the character traits discussed, empathy—or some form of empathy being exemplified— was mentioned 36% of the time. For classroom instruction, extended time was used to build a good foundation to help the students understand the words and concepts. The teachers indicated that discussion took longer at the beginning of the year and the time needed in class lessened throughout the year as the students began to comprehend more and understand expectations. Teachers and parents did indicate an increase in engagement and openness towards the program as the year progressed and as expectations were clarified. Individualized Learning An unanticipated component of the program indicated the importance of understanding the unique needs of students. The need for individualized learning styles was a discussion in each focus group. Discussions indicated that individualized learning needs depended on students’ grade level, background, learning styles, and students’ attitude toward learning. Most of the parent and teacher participants indicated that the program allowed for many different styles of learning, and therefore had a positive impact on student learning needs. Program Benefits Based on findings from the current study, participants clearly indicate the belief that including character education in public schools has benefits in and out of the classroom. Benefits were shown in areas of academics, relationships, behavior, and application to the real world. Both teachers and parents mentioned a variety of behavioral benefits of the program. Teachers indicated that the character assignments helped with discipline in class. Several teachers indicated that they saw a change in a certain behavior class-wide and among individual students. Similarly, several parents specifically acknowledged the program for helping to change their child’s behavior. One parent noted about the program, “[My child] was bringing it home and discussing with me and she would also exhibit the traits. I know she had to learn it at school.” Two other parents indicated that their children stated that they wanted to change their bad behavior. Although the program is mostly focused on character topics, it also includes discussion of academics. Several teachers indicated positive impact on students academically. As indicated by teachers, discussing academic topics allowed for more of an understanding to students that they must take responsibility for their learning and were more thoughtful and purposeful in their discussions throughout the program. One parent stated that the program provides intentionality and a means for “conscious active thought.” The building of various relationships was one of the most widely discussed positive impacts throughout the four focus groups. The focus groups credited the program as having a positive impact on the following relationships: student-parent/family relationships, student-teacher relationships, parent-school/parent-teacher relationships, and the student-student relationships. Parents noted that the conversations helped them learn more about their children, and teachers were glad to realize that the conversations bring students and parents closer together. In addition, teachers stated that they learned to talk at a deeper level with their students about certain topics, therefore building trust and increasing engagement in class. The data indicates that there were significant positive aspects of the parent-teacher/school relationships that were built, as well. Several teachers indicated that the program helped develop partnerships between parents and the school and was a chance for parents to step into the classroom. This was backed up by parent feedback, stating that it created a partnership between schools and families and allowed classroom discussions to be brought into the home. Several teachers agreed that the program helped them learn more about the families they serve. Within the classroom, teachers indicated that sharing time brought intimacy and respect between students. According to