Page 30 - Volume 4 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research

28 and were statistically significant. The analysis suggested a 14% variance in the respondents’ mission stability scores. A full summary can be seen in Table 1. Table 1 Summary of Correlation Results for Hypotheses 2 − 10 H Relationship with Mission Stability Findings Null Hypothesis Analysis revealed 2 Level of education of the superintendent r s (85) = .374, p < .001 Rejected A relationship between the superintendent’s level of education and mission drift 3 Age of superintendent r s (82) = -.127, p = .257 Failed to reject No significant relationship between the age of the superintendent and mission drift 4 Length of time as superintendent r s (84) = -.114, p = .304 Failed to reject No significant relationship between the length of time the superintendent has been in their position and mission drift 5 Length of time at charter school r s (85) = .139, p = .204 Failed to reject No significant relationship between the length of time the superintendent has been at their charter school and mission drift 6 Year the charter was approved r s (85) = .042, p = .706 Failed to reject No significant relationship between the number of years the charter school has been operating and mission drift 7 Number of campuses r s (85) = .376, p < .001 Rejected A relationship between the number of campuses the charter operates and mission drift 8 Number of students r s (84) = .379, p < .001 Rejected A relationship between the number of students and mission drift 9 Number of employees r s (85) = .372, p < .001 Rejected A relationship between the number of employees and mission drift 10 Last time the mission was evaluated r s (84) = -.161, p = .142 Failed to reject No significant relationship between the length of time since the last evaluation of the mission and mission drift The final demographic question used an independent samples t -test to analyze mission stability with being a founder to determine if there was a statistical significant relationship. While the results were not statistically significant, the data suggested that founders have lower mission stability scores than non-founders. Research Question 2 (RQ2) What are the perceptions of charter school superintendents Table 1. Summary of Correlation Re ults for Hypothese 10 Scott Fuller, EdD