Page 31 - Volume 4 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research

Journal of K-12 Educational Research 29 to reinforce a mission intentionally that is confusing (C. Stewart, personal communication, November 15, 2018). The current study confirmed having a clear mission (mission clarity) is extremely important. The current study results support the literature review and implies the following: • The level of education of the organization’s leader may affect the organization’s performance (Bhagat, Bolton, & Subramanian, 2010; Ng & Feldman, 2009; Santiago, 2018); • Mission drift can be reduced when organizations grow (Greer & Horst, 2014). The study revealed that as Texas public charter schools grow in student enrollment, staff, and campuses they increase mission stability. • Founders have lower mission stability scores than non-founders (Bennett, Lawrence, & Sadun, 2017; Greer & Horst, 2014; Wasserman, 2003). Main Themes Many of the responses for the open-ended questions were supported by the literature review. The main themes from all the open-ended questions are in the following sections. Guide. Kopaneva (2015) discussed how the mission was used to help make decisions and guide the organization. Other researchers also pointed to the importance of the mission guiding the organization in their decision making (Brown, Yoshioka, & Munoz, 2004; Frumkin, Manno, & Edgington, 2011b; King, Case, & Premo, 2014; McManus, 2000; Morphew & Hartley, 2006; Whitbred & Gumm, 2004). Many researchers believe the mission is the guiding force that steers the organization (Frumkin et al., 2011a; Grace, 2003; Kooren, 2015; Solsrud, 2003). Alignment. Ebrahim, Battilana, and Mair (2014) and Greer and Horst (2014) stressed the importance of ensuring the daily activities of the organization are aligned to the mission to avoid mission drift. Superintendents responded to Question 16 of the Mission Drift survey used in the current study—supporters are in alignment with the core tenets of your full mission—with a weighted average of 7.75, which further emphasized and supported the literature that full alignment is important within the organization. Metric. Barrett (2017) expressed organizations must constantly evaluate their mission. Greer and Horst (2014) understand what is important gets measured and leaders must find ways to measure the mission. Superintendents responded to Question 21 of the Mission Drift survey used in the current study—you measure metrics capturing the entirety of your mission, not just inputs—with a weighted average of 6.89, which further emphasized and supported the literature of the importance of using some type of evaluation tool or metric to assess the mission. Hiring. Freiberg and Freiberg (1996) discussed the importance of hiring the right people with the right attitudes. Superintendents responded to Question 23 of the Mission Drift survey—you have hiring practices that go beyond technical abilities and assess a candidates’ full mission fit—with a weighted average of 7.76, which further emphasized and supported the literature of the importance of hiring the right individual. Classroom. Merseth (2009) discussed how schools across America have their mission statements on the walls of the schools and in their handbooks. She believes “a shared mission will lead to desired student outcomes” (p. 135). Superintendents responded to Question 13 of the Mission Drift survey—the verbal sharing of the mission is actively and intentionally being discussed on a daily basis—with a weighted average of 7.50, which further emphasized and supported the literature of the importance of sharing the mission with students. School culture. Merseth (2009) and Ubben, Hughes, and Norris (2011) believe leaders of successful schools spend significant time working on school culture. Superintendents responded to Question 26 of the Mission Drift survey used in the current study—there is a clearly articulated plan to create a culture that reinforces your identity, and you have daily or weekly rituals that reinforce your organization’s values and mission—with a weighted average of 7.08, which further emphasized and supported the literature of the importance of school culture and rituals.