Page 40 - Volume 4 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research
38 Factor 2–Inward Reflective, Connection-Oriented The two highest statement ranks for Factor 2 were “includes field-based internships that connect theory to practice” and “resident engages in personal examination of race, privilege, and power.” Factor 2 also valued “develop culturally responsive instructional practices,” “be part of cohort-based with other leaders preparing to be principals,” and an instructional leadership domain that significantly creeps into culture leadership–“develop culturally responsive instructional practices.” Factor 2 participants did not perceive accountability, instructional leadership, or focusing on diverse learners to be as helpful during the residency-based principal preparation program. Factor 2 seems to have been much more focused on inward reflection and program structures that develop community and connection. Implications The current study affirms multiple aspects of current research, provides additional insight to the perspectives of what should be included within principal preparation programs, and draws out some unique insights about potential opportunities. Real World Problems and Experiences Participants in the current study came to consensus with a strongly positive perspective on building upon real world problems and experiences. Residents need as many opportunities to think and react in real world situations to prepare them for the work that they will be doing (Mooney, 2019). A participant in the current study stated, “practice in a real-world environment with mentor accountability, reflection, and support systems” is vital to principal preparation. Deemphasize Operations and External Affairs Elements Despite some evidence of need for campus operational elements being included within a principal preparation programs (Archer, 2005; Darling-Hammond, LaPaointe, Meyerson, Orr, & Cohen, 2007), participants in the current study did not value campus operations, budgeting, or external affairs over elements focused on instruction, adult development, or culture development. As such, it may be helpful to deemphasize campus operations and external affairs elements in principal preparation programs. Factor 2–Inward Reflective, Connection-Oriented The two highest st tement ranks for Factor 2 were “in ludes field-based internships that connect theory to practice” and “resident engages in personal examination of race, privilege, and power.” Factor 2 also valued “develop culturally responsive instructional practices,” “be part of cohort-based with other leaders preparing to be principals,” and an instructional leadership domain that significantly creeps into culture leadership–“develop culturally responsive instructional practices.” Factor 2 participants did not perceive accountability, instructional leadership, or focusing on diverse learners to be as helpful during the residency-based principal preparation program. Fact r 2 seems to have been much m re focused on inward reflectio and program structures that develop community and connection. Table 2 Factor 2 Crib Sheet # Statement Statement Rank Actual Difference Domain Items R anked at +6 or Higher 41 Includes field-based internships that connect theory to practice 6 8 Program Software 49 Resident engages in personal examination of race, privilege, and power 6 7 Leadership Competencies Items Ranked Higher in Factor Array 2 than Factor Array 1 27 Develop relationships with key community stakeholders 4 5 External Relations 33 Create a budget aligned to strategic plan 1 5 Business Operations 13 Set professional expectations for adults aligned with vision and mission 3 4 Culture Leadership 26 Design student recruitment plan 2 4 External Relations 40 Be part of cohort-based with other leaders preparing to be principals 5 4 Program Structure 43 Includes mentorship by successful current principals 4 4 Program Structure 15 Create rituals with the school’s vision and mission 2 3 Culture Leadership 39 Be included in a residency-based structure 4 2 Program Structure 1 Development of school expectations 2 1 Instructional Leadership 7 Develop culturally responsive instructional practices 5 1 Instructional Leadership Table 2. Factor 2 Crib Sheet R. Cody Yocom, EdD