Volume 4 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research - Page 41

Journal of K-12 Educational Research 39 8 Create standards based planning process 1 1 Instructional Leadership 11 Create mission and vision of school focused on student success 5 1 Culture Leadership 12 Develop plan for social-emotional support 2 1 Culture Leadership 17 Develop a plan for performance management 1 1 Adult & Team Leadership 35 Develop facility acquisition plan -3 1 Business Operations 37 Develop a plan for risk management -1 1 Business Operations 47 Resident explores their own personal strengths and areas of growth 3 1 Leadership Competencies Items Ranked Lower in Factor 1 Array than Factor 2 Array 4 Practice use of student-level data to implement academic interventions 2 -1 Instructional Leadership 21 Create plan for onboarding/training new faculty and staff 1 -1 Adult & Team Leadership 25 Design a marketing plan for school -4 -1 External Relations 36 Create financial and budget systems -4 -1 Business Operations 2 Crete plan for differentiated instruction -2 -2 Instructional Leadership 6 Practice supporting classroom-based change management 0 -2 Instructional Leadership 31 Develops appropriate systems of data collection and response -1 -2 Accountability 42 Includes on-the-job coaching by program coaches -1 -2 Program Structure 45 Program includes school design planning (schedule, extracurriculars, handbook, uniforms, etc.) 0 -2 Program Structure 5 Develop instructional coaching model 2 -3 Instructional Leadership 20 Develop effective strategies for recruiting faculty and staff 3 -3 Adult & Team Leadership 22 Develop an evaluation system for faculty and staff -2 -3 Adult & Team Leadership 23 Develop communication plan designed to gain adult and student buy-in 0 -3 Adult & Team Leadership 14 Develop and plan for teaching norms and behavioral expectations for students 1 -4 Culture Leadership 18 Practice leading structured adult learning (PD, intervention, meetings) -1 -4 Adult & Team Leadership 3 Develop data-driven instruction plan 1 -5 Instructional Leadership 10 Develop diverse learners plan (Special Education, ELL, GT, etc. 0 -5 Instructional Leadership 29 Determine internal assessments -3 -5 Accountability 28 Practice leading data-driven instruction cycle -2 -6 Accountability Items Ranked at -7 34 Create a plan for contract services (food service. transportation, payroll, janitorial) -7 0 Business Operations Table 2. Factor 2 Crib Sheet (Continued)