Page 43 - Volume 4 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research
Journal of K-12 Educational Research 41 to experienced principals providing precise feedback on the elements of charter-school focused, residency based, principal preparation programs. Whether charter schools use a residency program or simply consider the elements discussed within the current study, the current researcher sees clear routes for better preparing principals to step in and be successful within their roles. References Accelerate Institute. (2019). Principal fellowship . Retrieved from programs/principal- fellowship Archer, J. (2005). Study blasts leadership preparation. Education Week, 24 (27), 1-18. Banks, T. (2015). Teacher education reform in urban educator preparation programs. Journal of Education and Learning, 4 (1), 60-71. doi:10.5539/jel.v4n1p60 Bickmore, D. L., & Dowell, M. S. (2014). Two charter school principals’ engagement in instructional leadership. Journal of School Leadership, 24 (5), 842-881. Brown, S. R. (1980). Political subjectivity: Applications of Q methodology in political science . New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Campbell, C. (2010). You’re leaving? Sustainability and succession in charter schools . Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public Education. November, 2010. Campbell, C., & Grubb, B. J. (2008). Closing the skill gap: New options for charter school leadership development . Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public Education. Campbell, C., Gross, B., & Lake, R. (2008). T he high-wire job of charter school leadership . Retrieved from http://www. html. Center for Research on Education Outcomes [CREDO]. (2015). Urban charter school study report on 41 regions . Stanford, CA. Retrieved from Cumings, L., & Coryn, C. L. S. (2009). A job analysis for K-8 principals in a nationwide charter school system. Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation, 6 (12), 157-176. Curry, C. (2013). Charter school leadership . Plymouth, MA: Rowan & Littlefield. Dancey, C., & Reidy, J. (2011). Statistics without maths for psychology (5th ed.). Harlow, England: Prentice Hall. Darling-Hammond, L., LaPaointe, M., Meyerson, D., Orr, M. T., & Cohen, C. (2007). Preparing school leaders for a changing world: Lessons from exemplary leadership development programs . Stanford, CA: Stanford Educational Leadership Institute. Grissom, J. A., & Harrington, J. R. (2010). Investing in administrator efficacy: An examination of professional development as a tool for enhancing principal effectiveness. American Journal of Education, 116 (4), 583- 612. doi:10.1086/653631 Hallinger, P., & Heck, R. (1996). Reassessing the principal’s role in school effectiveness: A review of empirical research, 1980-1995. Educational Administration Quarterly, 32 (1), 5-44. Heck, R. (2000). Examining the impact of school quality on school outcomes and improvement: A value-added approach. Educational Administration Quarterly, 36 (4), 513-552. Heck, R., Larsen, T., & Marcoulides, G. (1990). Instructional leadership and school achievement: Validation of a causal model. Educational Administration Quarterly, 26 (2), 94-125. Hoy, W., & Hannum, J. (1997). Middle school climate: An empirical assessment of organizational health and student achievement. Educational Administration Quarterly, 33 (3), 290-311. Leithwood, K., & Jantzi, D. (2008). Linking leadership to student learning: The contributions of leader efficacy. Educational Administration Quarterly, 44 (4), 496-528. Leithwood, K., Louis, K. S., Anderson, S., & Wahlstrom, K. (2004). How leadership influences student learning . Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto. Lynch, J. M. (2012). Responsibilities of today’s principal: Implications for principal preparation programs and principal certification policies. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 31 (2), 40-47. Marchand, B. (2015). Causal factors related to charter failure in the state of Texas . Paper presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Administrators. 2015 Conference, August 4-7, 2015, Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel, Washington, DC.