Page 44 - Volume 4 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research
42 About the Author Dr. Cody Yocom is the secondary principal for Strothoff International School in Frankfurt, Germany. Previously, Dr. Yocom was the founding principal for Cristo Rey Catholic High School in Oklahoma City, planning and launching the school. He was also the secondary director (principal) for Uplift Heights in Dallas, helping the school become IB authorized and supporting a successful school turnaround. Dr. Yocom was selected as a founding member of the Ryan Fellowship through the Accelerate Institute. He holds a Bachelor in Arts from the University of Texas at Austin, a Master of Arts from Roosevelt University, and Doctorate in Educational Leadership K-12 from Dallas Baptist University. He can be reached at . Mooney, T. A. (2019). Principals’ perspectives of preparation and support in a Texas charter school system: A case study (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest. National Association of Secondary School Principals [NASSP]. (2018). Position statement on charter schools . Retrieved from advocacy-center/nassp-position-statements/charter- schools/. New Leaders for New Schools. (2011a). New Leaders’ urban excellence framework . New York, NY: New Leaders. New Leaders for New Schools. (2011b). The EPIC leadership development program evaluation report . Research brief. New York, NY: New Leaders. Nunnally, J. (1970). Introduction to psychological measurement . New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Shapiro, E. (2019, July 5). Why some of the country’s best urban schools are facing a reckoning. New York Times . Retrieved from nyregion/charter-schools-nyc-criticism.html Stephenson, W. (1953). The study of behavior: Q-technique and its methodology . Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Watts, S., & Stenner, P. (2012). Doing Q methodological research: Theory, method & interpretation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.