Volume 4 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research - Page 60

58 About the Author Dr. Deb Garton serves as an elementary charter school principal for Life Schools in Lancaster. Previous charter school positions held include principal of Advantage Academy in Waxahachie and principal of Rapoport Academy Middle School in Waco, where she also served as the Coordinator of Special Populations and classroom teacher. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Southwestern Assemblies of God University, a Master of Science in Educational Leadership from University of Texas at Tyler, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership K-12 from Dallas Baptist University. She can be reached at debgarton@yahoo. com for research inquiries. Texas Education Agency. (2017a). Comprehensive report on Texas public schools . Retrieved from https://tea.texas. gov/acctres/comp_annual_index.html Texas Education Agency. (2017b). Enrollment in Texas public schools, 2016-2017 . (Document No. GE17 601 12). Retrieved from https://tea.texas.gov/acctres/ enroll_2016-17.pdf Texas Education Agency. (2018a). Enrollment in Texas public schools, 2017-2018. (Document No. GE18 601 06). Austin, TX. Retrieved from https://tea.texas.gov /Reports_and_ Data/School_Performance/Accountability_Research/ Enrollment_Trends/?LangType=1033 Texas Education Agency. (2018b). Improving special education in Texas . Retrieved from https://tea.texas.gov/ TexasSPED/ Texas Education Agency. (2018c). Special education strategic plan . Retrieved from https://tea.texas.gov/TexasSPED/ U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). (2012). Charter schools: Additional federal attention needed to help protect access for students with disabilities. GAO-12-543 . Retrieved from https://www.gao.gov/assets/600/591435. pdf Winters, M. A. (2015). Understanding the gap in special education enrollments between charter and traditional public schools: Evidence from Denver, Colorado. Educational Researcher, 44 (4), 228-236. doi:10.3101/0013189X15584772