Volume 4 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal of K-12 Educational Research - Page 66

64 About the Author Dr. Arlyn Vergara-Unating currently serves as Special Education Teacher at one of the secondary schools of A+ Charter Schools, Inc. located in the Dallas Area, and Vice-President for Youth Development at Filipino Leaders Coalition of North Texas. Previous positions held include classroom teacher teaching math in middle school for 10 years in the same district; resident chaplain at formerly Baylor University Medical Hospital in Dallas (now Baylor Scott & White Health Care System); values & ethics professor at Filamer Christian University (Philippines); character education teacher in the elementary department at Filamer Christian University (Philippines); and various leadership roles in church and community-related organizations. Dr. Vergara-Unating holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Filamer Christian University (Philippines), another master’s degree from Philippine Graduate School of Christian Education, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership K-12 from Dallas Baptist University. Dr. Vergara-Unating can be reached at arlynunating@yahoo.com for research inquiries. Royster, P., Gross, J., & Hochbein, C. (2015). Timing is everything: Getting students back on track to college readiness in high school. High School Journal, 98 (3), 208- 225. Ruiz, L. (2018, August 21-23). The role of theological education in transforming society: Is education liberating? Presentation at the Bicentenary of Serampore College (1818-2018) and Centenary of The Senate of Serampore College (1918-2018) International Consultation: Education for Transformation-Challenges and Prospects for Formation and Reformation , Serampore, India. Schneider, B. (2007). Forming a college-going community in U.S. public high schools . Retrieved from https://docs. gatesfoundation.org/documents/collegegoing.pdf