Page 29 | Volume 5 - Issue 1 - DBU Journal for K-12 Educational Leadership

Journal of K-12 Educational Research 27 Experience level Percentage 0.0 26.66 40.00 26.66 6.6 Beginning 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years Over 20 years 0 4 6 4 1 Count Table 1. Teacher Demographics by Experience Level, 2019-2020 Total 15 Source: Teacher Interviews (2020) 100 Table 2. Summary of Findings by Research Question Research Question 1: How do teachers perceive the impact of their Professional Learning Community experience on their abilities as a classroom teacher? Interview Question Summary of Findings How has your PLC experience supported your growth as an educator? PLC experiences supported their growth as educators because of the sharing of new instructional strategies, building their teacher leadership capacity, and supporting more data driven instruction. Do you think you are a better teacher because of your participation in a PLC? Why or why not? 86% of the respondents replied yes because of new instructional strategies, building leadership capacity, and data driven instruction. Research Question 2: How do teachers perceive the impact of their Professional Learning Community experience on their abilities to collaborate with their peers? Interview Question Summary of Findings How does your PLC collaborate? Participants referenced lesson design, shared resources, unpacking curriculum, and developing a pacing calendar most frequently. Has your PLC experience with colleagues helped you improve your instruction? If so, how? 100% of the participants responded positively that their PLC has helped improve their instruction by increasing their instructional capacity and confidence to ask for help when needed. Research Question 3: How do teachers perceive the impact of their Professional Learning Community experience on the climate in the school? Interview Question Summary of Findings What has the campus done to support your PLC? 93% of the participants referenced support, including administrator support. 66% of the participants’ referenced time as a resource as another way their PLC has been supportive. 33% mentioned professional learning as a campus support.