Fall Break 2022 - Boston

Come alongside 24 of DBU’s undergraduate and master’s students as they travel over Fall Break to Boston, Massachusetts, and its surrounding areas. From the bustling city to the beautiful countryside, these students saw America’s history come to life through lectures, museums, and time spent in daily conversation with one another.

Emmalie Ellis' Headshot

"I was able to put physical places and vivid images to the stories I’ve grown up reading about in history books. As the week progressed, I began to deeply understand that our country was built by real people who lived with fierce intentionality. I’m exceedingly grateful for the chance to learn about our country’s history in this way—the Global Studies program has truly allowed us to make the world our classroom!"
- Emmalie Ellis, Alumna ('23), from Fall 2022 Boston Trip
Professor lectures in a square in Boston

Finding Evidence of God’s Providence through History and Literature in Boston, Massachusetts

Since our bright and early departure on Saturday morning, our group of 24 has visited some of the most iconic and notable locations in our nation’s history. From Old North Church to Harvard University to Faneuil Hall, we’ve had the opportunity to view history and literature in a brand-new light, right where it was made. Read Full Story 

AA large pond with beach in Massachusets

What it Means to Live Deliberately

As we exited the bustling city of Boston and entered the beautiful countryside covered in changing leaves, our group welcomed the fresh air of Kennebunk, Maine, and Concord, Massachusetts. Our conversations, being previously historical in nature, turned as Dr. Grimes began introducing more noteworthy authors and pieces of literature into our group’s lecture times. Read Full Story 

Small library alcove filled to the ceiling with books with two historical portraits hanging on balcony

Reflecting on a Week Spent in New England

From the time our group loaded the bus bright and early on Saturday, October 3rd to the time the last group pulled back onto the DBU campus late in the evening on Saturday, October 8th, the Lord made His glory and power known... Read Full Story