Spring Break 2022 - Washington, D.C.
Join our students' journey as they experience all that Washington, D.C. has to offer and study leadership in the lives of our founding fathers. The experience includes visits to iconic sites such as the Lincoln Memorial, The White House, Mount Vernon, Colonial Williamsburg, Monticello, and more.
"I can honestly say God worked, moved, and inspired the hearts of each individual on this trip to lean in and discern what the will of God is for their lives."
- Lane Cabler, Alumni (23), from Spring 2022 Washington D.C. Trip

National Cathedral and Mount Vernon
I was completely floored by the size and detail within the National Cathedral and marveled at how every part of the building had a deeper meaning designed to take any person entering the church away from worldly cares and desires, lifting their eyes to heaven. Read Full Story

The White House, The Capital Building, and The National Gallery
Starting off our day in the shadow of the White House, Dr.Taylor spoke to us about the unique and divine timing of the Lord and how we are all called to play a specific part in the plans of God. So, standing in the shadow of a building that has commanded the destiny of millions, we contemplated what role God had for us in the great span of eternity. Read Full Story