Graduate Admission Requirements

Applications for admission to a master's program are processed by the Admissions Office, located on the first floor of the Strickland building. All persons seeking admission must complete the graduate application forms provided by the University.

Steps for the Admission Process

  • A formal Application for Admission to pursue a specified master's degree program
  • Official transcript from last institution attended as an undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, or graduate student
  • Statement of Purpose outlining reasons for seeking admission, answering each question with approximately 150 words, as this is considered a writing sample
  • A current professional résumé

Additional conditions for continuance past the first semester of study may be specified by individual degree programs and/or the Master's Admission Committee.

All materials submitted will be kept three years from the date of initial receipt. Applicants are encouraged to maintain regular contact with the Graduate Admissions Office to ensure that all materials have been received and the file has been prepared for submission to the Master's Degree Admission Committee. Application materials, once submitted, are the property of the University and cannot be returned.

Admission Requirements Continued

Requirements for Full Admission
Requirements for Re-Admission
Provisional Admission
Admission to a Dual Degree Program
Church Membership Requirement