Meet Professor Chance Gamble
Assistant Professor of English
(214) 333-5900
Educational Background
- B.A., Dallas Baptist University
- M.A., University of Texas at Tyler
Professor Chance Gamble's Background
Chance Gamble, Assistant Professor of English, specializes in story, rhetoric, hermeneutics, and Tolkien studies. In the dissertation writing stage of his Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition at Texas Christian University, Professor Gamble is a Dallas Baptist University alum who spent a semester abroad at Oxford, winning the prestigious De Jager Award for Research Seminar.
Professor Gamble has extensive experience in the application of English studies to the business world and has authored several works of fantasy fiction for a series in progress, including a novella, House of Stories, and Love to Fear, the first book of the Spellbreaker Saga series.
Professor Gamble teaches Composition and Rhetoric I and II and World Literature II. After completing his dissertation, which considers story-based learning in connection with composition pedagogy, he will focus on developing a minor in writing and/or rhetoric for the English department. He is an active part of DBU’s creative writing group.
For more of his story, please visit Professor Gamble’s website.