Page 24 | Volume 3 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

23 tempted to mimic the successful strategies of other leaders to avoid the need to plan.7 Strategy distinguishes organizations from one another. It is complex and typically long-term.8 Blackaby argued, “The key for spiritual leaders is the role God plays in their long-range plans . . . the plan becomes the guiding document for the organization.”9 Strategy and spiritual leadership can be harmonious for organizational success. This essay will discuss spiritual leadership, strategic management, and examine how strategic management and spiritual leadership interact to achieve organizational success. The following section will discuss spiritual leadership, followed by strategic management, and conclude discussing the interactions between spiritual leadership and strategic management. Spiritual Leadership Spiritual leaders focus on more than performance and results within an organization. According to Yukl, spiritual leadership focuses on “how leaders can enhance the intrinsic motivation of followers by creating conditions that increase their sense of spiritual meaning in the work.” Leaders feeling interconnected to others while experiencing a sense of calling or destiny through work is considered a transcendence of self. Leaders that achieve transcendence of self and interconnection with others go beyond obtaining financial benefits and organizational performance.10 Spiritual Leadership and Religion Spiritual leadership is emphasized in Christian churches, which have been prominent in the Western world.11 According to Fry and Egel, religion often involves “a theological system of beliefs, ritual prayers, rites and ceremonies, and related formalized practices and ideas.”12 Spiritual leadership incorporates values consistent with spiritual ideals often found in religion, resulting in effective leadership within organizations. Spiritual values like integrity, humility, and honesty can foster successful leadership. Religious institutions have values that allow individuals to have spiritual experiences, aligning with practices of the established religion.13 Spiritual leaders seek to satisfy their people and God as leaders of religious institutions.14