Page 25 | Volume 3 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

24 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Spiritual Leadership and Business Spiritual leaders lead people by serving God no matter where you find them. Some spiritual leaders can lead secular organizations in the marketplace.15 Effective leadership is a need in businesses that endure complex and critical issues. Business leaders must adapt to turbulent situations and daily changes that impact their company.16 Organizations that possess strong cultural values and traditions encourage spiritual leadership. Organizations that express spiritual values have motivated and highly committed members, contributing to overall organizational performance. Yukl suggested, “spiritual leaders increase mutual appreciation, affection, and trust among members of the organization.”17 Spiritual leaders enhance the meaning and value of work for followers. As a result, spiritual leadership can inspire higher performance through collaboration, encouragement, and collective learning of the individuals within businesses.18 Model of Spiritual Leadership Spiritual leadership in practice offers a significant source of competitive advantage for organizations.19 Spiritual leadership involves hope, faith, a sense of calling, belief, trust, and conviction. Fry and Slocum stated, “Having a sense of calling through one’s work and for a social connection at work is central to spiritual leadership.”20 These dimensions of spiritual leadership motivate an organization’s followers to believe in the organization’s vision. The organizational culture also requires altruistic love by leaders of the organization demonstrated through their attitudes and behavior. Figure 1 displays the model of spiritual leadership. As a result, the dimensions of spiritual leadership work collaboratively to produce positive outcomes for an organization, such as the wellbeing of the organization’s members, organizational productivity, and organizational profitability.21