Page 29 | Volume 3 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

28 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY together compared to operating individually.41 Strategy Implementation Strategic implementation involves executing a strategic plan within various levels of an organization.42 Hill et al. defined strategic implementation as “the task of putting strategies into action, which includes designing, delivering, and supporting products; improving the efficiency and effectiveness of operations; and designing a company’s organizational structure, control systems, and culture.”43 Designing organizational culture, control systems, and governance systems are essential for maximizing profitability and growth with new strategies.44 Leaders can implement strategies for organizations to achieve competitive advantages and superior performance within their industry.45 Spiritual Leadership and Strategic Management Spiritual leadership and strategic management impact an organization’s wellbeing through its leaders: spiritual leadership and strategic management work to achieve superior performance based on its established goals. Fry and Slocum argued: “spiritual leaders build high-performance companies that are personal and human with a focus on the importance of the individual; every member feels empowered and responsible for the reputation of the company.”46 While strategic management is necessary for planning and decision-making, spiritual leadership offers an opportunity for organizations to incorporate various dimensions that satisfy the needs of followers. Spiritual Leadership Balanced Scorecard Business Model Spiritual leadership and strategic management conjoin at the intersection of sharing success based on measurable indicators. According to Fry et al., the spiritual leadership balanced scorecard business model (SLB) measures the multifaceted drivers of productivity and performance excellence in organizational processes.47 A balanced scorecard demonstrates organizational performance using strategic performance indicators, also known as organizational performance indicators, that derive from the organization’s strategic plan.48 Examples of organizational performance indicators include quality, customer satisfaction, and financial performance.49