Page 43 | Volume 3 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

42 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Christian Leadership Praxis The current qualitative, multiple-case study helps the Christian leader understand what role generativity plays in meaning and purpose in educational leaders and in serving followers.94 The study discovered a variety of leadership expressions of generativity that resulted in meaning in life and purpose. In addition, the study discovered connections between one’s calling and these areas. In the current study, the acts of teaching, administrating, discipling, leading, serving, and ministering are ways leaders invested in others.58 Leaders may achieve meaning in life through many avenues, but in the current study, the Christian leaders obtained meaning in life as a result of their daily roles and actions in three meaning construct categories: (1) relationship with God and their faith; (2) ministry and fulfilling one’s purpose; and (3) roles and relationships with others. Participants often mentioned the terms biblical worldview or Christian worldview to describe the framework of their ideas, values, and beliefs. The participants also integrated discipleship into their biblical or Christian worldview practices. Leadership provides an opportunity for generative expressions, and this was evident in all eighteen interviews of the current case study. Table 1 indicates a sample of generative expressions that were identified as a catalyst for each Christian leader to brainstorm generative acts within their area of context. Table 1 Generative Expressions Codes – Frequency Counts Name Participants References Discipling 12 61 Relationship Building 11 43 Activities & Events 10 21 Ministry 10 19 Nurture: Care, Love, Concern 9 27 Mentoring 9 22 Community Involvement 8 15