Page 53 | Volume 3 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

52 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY 34 Ibid. 35 Kendall Bronk, “A Grounded Theory of the Development of Noble Youth Purpose,” Journal of Adolescent Research (2012): 80. 36 Daan van Knippenberg, “Meaning-Based Leadership,” Organizational Psychology Review (2020): 6. 37 Ibid., 37. 38 Bronk, A Grounded Theory, 78. 39 Chiara Ghislieri and Paola Gatti, “Generativity and Balance in Leadership,” Leadership (2012): 265. 40 Vali Mehdinezhad and Fatemeh Nouri, “The Relationship Between Elementary School Principals’ Transformational Leadership and Spiritual Well-Being,” Management in Education (2016): 43. 41 Ibid., 44. 42 Henry Blackaby and Richard Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership (Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing, 2011), xiv. 43 Dan McAdams, Holly Hart, and Shadd Maruna, “The Anatomy of Generativity,” in Generativity and Adult Development (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1998), 12. 44 Ed De St. Aubin and Dan McAdams, “The Relations of Generative Concern and Generative Action to Personality Traits, Satisfaction/Happiness with Life, and Ego Development,” Journal of Adult Development (1995): 103. 45 Ibid., 110. 46 Doug Hagedorn, “Meaning in Life, Generativity and Legacy in Educational Leaders,” Journal of School Leadership (2023): 12. 47 Joseph Fabry, Pursuit of Meaning (Charlottesville, VA: Lightning