Page 54 | Volume 3 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

53 CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP AND FINDING MEANING & PURPOSE THROUGH GENERATIVITY Source, 2013), 30. 48 Reker and Wong, Jacky van de Goor, Anneke Sools, and Gerben Westerhof, “The Emergence of Meaning from Meaningful Moments in Life,” Journal of Humanistic Psychology (2020): 1, 3. 49 Ibid., 3. 50 Ibid., 1. 51 Ibid., 2. 52 Ibid., 4. 53 Paul Wong, Logotherapy, Meaning Therapy, and Spirituality, 18th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association of Clinical Thanatology, Tokyo, Japan (November 2012). 54 van de Goor et al., 20. 55 Sagit Shilo-Levin, Amit Shrira, and Yaakov Hoffman, “Feeling Older Can be Advantageous,” Journal of Happiness Studies (2021): 2873. 56 Ibid., 2874. 57 Hagedorn, 15. 58 Ibid., 7. 59 Michael Steger and Bryan Dik, “If One is Looking for Meaning in Life, Does it Help to Find Meaning in Work?” Applied Psychology (2009): 304. 60 Clive Staples Lewis, The Abolition of Man, or Reflections on Education with Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of Schools (New York, NY: Harper One, 1974), 14. 61 Llewellyn Thomas and Richard Tee, “Generativity: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework,” International Journal of Management Reviews