Page 56 | Volume 3 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

55 CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP AND FINDING MEANING & PURPOSE THROUGH GENERATIVITY 75 Ibid., 45. 76 Friederike Doerwald, Hannes Zacher, Nico van Yperen, and Susanne Scheibe, “Generativity at Work: A Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Vocational Behavior (2021): 1. 77 Ibid., 2, 14. 78 Ibid., 11. 79 Ibid., 13, 15. 80 Ibid., 11. 81 Ibid. 14. 82 Pew Research Center, "45% of Americans say U.S. Should be a “Christian Nation” (October, 2022), 83 Pew Research Center, "8 in 10 Americans Say Religion is Losing Influence in Public Life" (March, 2024), 84 Matthew 5:13-16. 85 Lee Hardy, The Fabric of this World (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1990), xv. 86 Ibid., xvi. 87 Ibid., 12. 88 Mark 12:30-31. 89 Hardy, 46.