Page 77 | Volume 3 | The Leadership Journal of Dallas Baptist University

76 Ducere Est Servire: THE LEADERSHIP JOURNAL OF DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Regarding the geographical location for the senior pastors who participated in the survey, responses were received from senior pastors in 45 different states across America representing twenty-four Protestant denominations. The largest denominational group in the current study was the Southern Baptist Convention, with 376 participants making up 55% of the sample, followed by the American Baptist Churches, with 152 participants making up 22% of the sample. Together these two denominations accounted for 77% of the responses. Ages of pastors were collected in groups based on Dimock’s guidelines for generational cohorts.50 The largest age range group was senior pastors between ages 55-73 with 317 pastors, followed by pastors of ages 39-54 with 255 participants. Figure 1 shows the demographic results for age. Participants were also asked about their total number of years as a senior pastor. The largest group in the current study was senior pastors whose total career length was 20+ years, with 273 participants. Figure 2 shows the total career length of senior pastors.