Academic Papers - Page 5

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"How the Church Lost Her Story and What She Can Do To Get It Back: Helping Churches Develop a Biblical Worldview" (Plus a New Screwtape Letter for Pastors!)

"In the October 1993 edition of the journal (...)"

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“How to be Transformed in College: The Role of the Christian Worldview”

"The voice on the other end of the line sounded desperate: 'Hi, uh, I’m Lori, the adult student in your eleven o’clock Christian ethics class?' 'Sure, Lori...'"

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"Image and Text: A Theology of Byzantine Icons with Emphasis on the Sixth-Century Tapestry Panel Icon of the Virgin"

"Inasmuch as 'a fundamental topic in the humanities . . . [is] the relationship between image and text' (class syllabus), there can perhaps (...)"

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"An Introduction to a Reformational Worldview"

"In Tom Wolfe’s recent novel, I am Charlotte Simmons, Charlotte, the main character, is a young Christian woman and the extremely bright valedictorian of her high school class who gets (...)"

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"Is Wisdom Really Better Than Gold? Reflections on Proverbs 2 and Its Educational Implications"

"51-36-10-45-31-37. This set of numbers appeared on a Quick Pick purchased by Robert and Beverly Chody (...)"

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"John Donne's Poetic Philosophy of Love"

"For the enormously complex and vexed John Donne (1572-1631), the one in whom all 'contraries meet,' (Holy Sonnet 18), life was love—the love of women in his early life, then the love of his wife (Ann More), and finally the love of God. All other..."

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"Language, Liturgy and Life: Towards a Christian Vision of Education"

"Have you heard of or ever played the video or computer game called SimCity? In playing SimCity, where the prefix Sim is used as an abbreviation (...)"

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"Life, Learning, and the Christian Mind: Matters of Consequence"

"A little less than a year ago, a series of curious circumstances led me to read Antoine De Saint-Exupéry’s fairy tale titled The Little Prince. The book (...)"

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"Longing, Expecting, Preparing"

"Advent is the first season in the Christian year or church calendar. It focuses on longing, on expectation, and on preparation for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who graciously redeems (...)"